

YBCバレエコンクール 福岡

2024年3月24日に福岡にて開催される『第4回YBCバレエコンクール福岡』にAoi Ballet Academyから

高野 健
小野田 ステファニー


2024-02-25 | Posted in informationComments Closed 


2月 第5週お休みについて


2024-01-31 | Posted in informationComments Closed 


Contemporary class in January

1月16日19:00~ Anna先生のContemporary classをオンラインにて行います。


To ABA students

Hello! My name is Anna Dunlop, I am a contemporary dance artist and teacher based in London in the UK. I began my training in Canada at The School of Alberta Ballet alongside Ms.Aoi, before entering the world of contemporary dance at ArtEz and Codarts in Holland, and completing my training with a BA in Contemporary Dance at London Contemporary Dance School. Since then I have founded my own company, Dogstar Dance Theater, which has performed in New York, Vienna, and London. 

My teaching is inspired by the incredible artists and teachers I have met from all over the world, in dozens of different disciplines and styles, such as Cunningham, Gaga, Contact Improvisation, Flying Low and Passing Through, Release, and Counter Point, and of course Ballet. My focus as a teacher is to bring out each dancers individuality, allowing each person to find a deeper understanding of themselves as a dancer, and to bring out the freedom and strength every person has in their dancing. I work with improvisation and imagination in my class, as a way to enhance movement and choreography, and to give each dancer more creativity and uniqueness.

I hope with these classes to give you an introduction to contemporary dance, which can be an amazing tool to improve your ballet, as well as be a beautiful art form on it’s own. We will have a mixture of different styles, learn some exercises and material, and think differently about ways to dance. I am very excited to meet and share with you everything I have learned and give you the opportunity to try a new way to dance. I can’t wait!


2024-01-13 | Posted in informationComments Closed 


YBCバレエコンクール 福岡

2024年3月24日に福岡にて開催される『第4回YBCバレエコンクール福岡』にAoi Ballet Academyから

高野 健
小野田 ステファニー


2024-01-09 | Posted in informationComments Closed 


1月 第5週お休みについて


2024-01-05 | Posted in informationComments Closed 


Aoi Ballet Academy Winter Showcase 2023

2023年12月16日アステールプラザ多目的スタジオにて開催致しましたAoi Ballet Academy Winter Showcase 2023が盛会のうちに無事に終演する事ができました。


Thank you so much from bottom of my heart xx

2023-12-18 | Posted in informationComments Closed 


Aoi Ballet Academy Winter Showcase 2023

2023年12月16日にAoi Ballet Academy Winter Showcase 2023をアステールプラザにて開催致します。

Aoi Ballet Academy Winter Showcase 2023

“Class Demonstration”

”Act 2 from La Bayadère”

2023-12-09 | Posted in informationComments Closed 


12月 第5週お休みについて


2023-12-01 | Posted in informationComments Closed 


11月 第5週お休みについて


2023-11-02 | Posted in informationComments Closed 


10月 第5週お休みについて


2023-10-06 | Posted in informationComments Closed